Mastering Idioms

Developed by VOGO Voice


VOGO Voice’s newest release, Mastering Idioms, is dedicated to addressing the challenges idioms pose for language learners across varying age groups. The creation of this voice app is propelled by the vision to inspire users to put their thinking caps on and assimilate the nuances of common English idioms and expressions. The educational voice app has been designed to aid ESL learners to gain communicative competence by employing idiomatic expressions appropriately in everyday communication.

The dual game levels 1 & 2, namely “Crack the Idiom” and “Find the Idiom” are defined to quiz with sets, each comprising 3 questions. The former game level presents users the opportunity to identify the proper meaning of the given idiom, while in the latter users are expected to spot the right idiom based on the definition provided. To reap benefits as a player, users are allowed to earn a point each for every correct answer. The break up of scores is relayed at the end of each set with the total scores served at the close of each session. The user can choose one of the two options to provide answers to each question in both the game levels.

The Help section presents users with a comprehensive idea to navigate the skill with ease, grasp essential know-how on how to set forth, and enjoy the game’s capabilities. Enthusiastic learners who would like to attain a walkthrough on idioms are encouraged to access the lesson imparted within the voice skill by asking “What are idioms?”. Users can use commands such as “reset” to erase points and start the game anew; “change level” to easily switch between levels, and “skip” to pass on a question without answering. The Mastering Idioms voice app has been insightfully crafted to offer free, unlimited gameplay to boost unhindered acquisition of Idiomatic English.

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