Tickle Letters

Developed by VOGO Voice


VOGO Voice’s interactive skill designing platform has served up yet another highly entertaining Edtech experience. Tickle Letters is a fun educational game, dedicated to help preschoolers and Kindergartners, build reading, phonics, and basic vocabulary skills.

Three different vocabulary exercises are put together without compromising on the fun factor. Titled Finder, Speller, and Reader, the three challenges are designed to help kids think, recall, and memorize simple three-lettered words. Finder is a guessing game that tests a child’s quickness in recalling the first, second, or third letter of a word. Speller gets them started with spellings, while Reader helps in mastering pronunciation. This could very well be a segue into learning ESL and to get a grip over essential vocabulary.

Each game consists of 18 questions. Every correct answer is worth one point. A wrong answer calls for tickles. Positive reinforcement drives kids to play more and break the records of previous scores. The penalty in turn adds to the fun element. The whole experience is even more enjoyable when accompanied by a parent or a sibling.

This game is designed keeping in mind the interests of both kids and parents. Kids get to learn and have fun at the same time. And parents can kick start their child’s learning process in a way that’s engaging and least stressful. Besides, it also ensures effective parent-child bonding and works ingeniously as a confidence-building exercise.

The vocabulary is limited to three lettered words, to match the learning needs of preschoolers and kindergartners. We believe kids need a simple start before stepping into a demanding academic set up. If gamified, all the better!

After you enable the skill, here are a few ways to get started:

Free to Enable

By enabling the Tickle Letters skill, it can be accessed on all your Alexa devices. 

Make sure to check out our other two Tickle games: Tickle Math and Tickle Matching.

Supported Languages
English (US)

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