
Unlock your data

Wondering How to Maximize Business Values

Use the power of Voice to leverage data relationships from the Neo4J, an open source graph database powered by operational agility and unlimited scalability. Most importantly, if you choose wisely it will aid you in addressing what’s most essential to your business needs. Therefore, make sure to select the right graph database for your project.

Example Use Cases

  • Integrate neo4j connector to query highly connected data to achieve technical needs.
  • Quickly and efficiently track users, assets, relationships and authorizations by using a graph database.
  • Openness to construct expressive and efficient queries to retrieve data from the open source graph database.
  • Apply Voice to imported data from the right graph database to aid and suit your evolving business needs and solutions.
  • Gain actionable insights from graph analytics drawn from big data.
  • Use voice to explore real-time recommendations with logistics and customer data.

View our entire collection of connectors.