Building Voice Apps for Your Business

By Mike Giddens    Founder & CTO, VOGO Voice

In this era of voice technology, it has become crucial for businesses to implement a well-optimized voice strategy to remain relevant and competitive. The rapid rise in the uptake of smart speakers urges you to keep up with this nascent technology to build powerful relationships with customers by ensuring efficient and seamless interaction with your brand. Quite often, devising a suitable voice app can seem to be daunting as you are confused about its true potential when integrated into the business process.
After all, your primary intention is not to adopt voice as a marketing strategy but to win over your customers by addressing their unmet needs. But, how do you propose voice as a solution to resolve customer issues?

Validated learning is the key to build a customer-fit voice app to ensure better connectivity with your target audience. Resorting to focus groups – an effective qualitative market research tool helps to determine the value proposition of your voice app by staying focused on user needs and requirements. It’s imperative to initiate customer validation at an early stage of your voice app development to identify the genuine customer pain points and tailor your voice-ready content for maximized efficiency.

In this webinar, join Mike Giddens, Founder & CTO at VOGO Voice for an in-depth understanding of why your business should adopt a suitable voice strategy and gain the best insights on how to validate its viability.

What you will learn:

  • A brief introduction to our multi-tenant platform showcasing our exclusive services.
  • The pressing need for businesses to implement a suitable voice strategy.
  • A theoretical overview of defining leap of faith assumptions for validated learning.
  • Why is it important to identify and test your leap of faith assumptions?
  • How to define a hypothesis to validate your voice app?
  • Focus group as a productive market research tool to determine the value proposition of your voice app.
  • What are the list of considerations to get started with a voice strategy?

A pdf of the slides of the presentation is also available to download here.

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