
Feature Friday: PubNub

Feature Friday: PubNub

PubNub is a highly reliable and scalable global data stream network that offers real-time infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) to enable live communication. Explore this programmable network developed on a Publish/Subscribe model which makes real-time data streaming possible via features like chat, collaboration, Internet of Things (IoT) applications and real-time updates.

Aarti Vijay
On May 13, 2022
Skill Review: Happy Hour

Skill Review: Happy Hour

Happy Hour is an entertaining voice skill devoted to cocktail recipes developed by Peacocok Cove, LLC. This one-of-a-kind skill attempts to amuse adventurous drinkers to explore cocktail recipes and concoct delightful flavors. To narrow it down, it comprises both the recipes and its list of ingredients for various bar drinks that are listed on the skill.

Sapna Maria Gomez
On May 11, 2022
Feature Friday: Connectors

Feature Friday: Connectors

As a Skill Designer, you have access to our wide range of “Connectors” to help you integrate data in the most simplified manner for an enhanced user interface experience.

Aarti Vijay
On May 6, 2022
Skill Review: Astronomy Guide

Skill Review: Astronomy Guide

Astronomy Guide is a dynamic voice skill developed by AJ Franke to engage avid observers of astronomical objects. The info that this skill provides is suited to the interests of followers in the field of science that deals with the material universe. Gingered up with more than a handful of interesting information, the voice app concentrates on what to see in the sky, and how well it can be seen.

Sapna Maria Gomez
On May 4, 2022