
Skill Review: Big Sky

Skill Review: Big Sky

The Amazon Alexa Big Sky voice skill powered by Philosophical Creations focuses on delivering hyper-local, minute-based weather forecasts. The location-specific weather updates are sourced based on the zip code or address provided by the user. The author of the skill has attempted to provide a satisfying user experience by designing it to seamlessly provide the most accurate, as well as real-time updates to its dedicated Alexa users.

Sapna Maria Gomez
On April 6, 2022
Skill Review: Number Guessing Game

Skill Review: Number Guessing Game

Number Guessing game, a kids’ oriented Alexa app created by Jared Higgs is a simple, edu-entertainment voice app. It is interestingly woven around the basic concepts of Math and drives young learners to use logical thinking to find the correct answer. The fun quotient that renders this app amusing is the idea of trying to guess the right answer.

Sapna Maria Gomez
On March 30, 2022
Skill Review: DW Learn German Quiz

Skill Review: DW Learn German Quiz

DW Learn German Quiz has been modelled by its developer Deutsche Welle to aid users to learn about Germany through quizzing sets suited to DW levels A1 and A2. The skill mainly focuses on German culture and geography including a variety of contexts. To up the game, a fine blend of sound effects coupled with the opportunity to repeat the answer along with the host in German is introduced.

Sapna Maria Gomez
On March 23, 2022
Data Entry- Smarter way of data capturing

Data Entry- Smarter way of data capturing

Data entry tools and technologies are changing the way businesses interact with information, both external and internal. The modern business marketplace is a data-driven environment. The role of data is to empower business leaders to make

Arathi Nair
On March 22, 2022